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CSC Minutes

Dear Sandoval Parent Constituents:

We are thinking strategically about how we engage parents, share your perspectives, and ensure your voices are heard. Thus, we have implemented the following:

  • This CSC Open Forum Survey to add agenda item(s) to be considered and provide feedback. You will find this link in the principal’s message. 
  • Open Forum time during the start of the CSC meeting, if you would like to present a topic to the CSC at the meeting. Please reach out to Ericka Soto at to share the topic of what you would like to present.
  • We will also now be introducing the “Parent Constituent Paragraph” into the Principal’s message following our CSC meetings to share a summary of what we are discussing along with the CSC Minute Notes.

At the most recent CSC meeting on November 6, 2024, we discussed the following:

  • Past years we have hosted constituent meetings in May to share what we have covered in the school year as a CSC and also to hear the parent voice. Given low parent attendance, we determined that constituency meetings are not the most effective way to connect with parents. That’s why we have implemented the actions stated above. If you have other ideas on how we can best hear the parent constituent voice please add it in the CSC Open Forum Survey 
  • We discussed our school’s Unified Improvement Plan:
    • 24-25 UIP #1: Major Improvement StrategyStandards-Based Instruction within the Montessori/Dual Language/Public sector provides all students the best opportunity to learn standards-based, grade level content and learning skills the first time they receive instruction.  Through the intentionality of adding a fourth period to the three period lesson this will allow for an additional measure in which to drive students’ cognitive lift. This combines CRE teaching practices, practice-based teacher learning and the implementation of high quality academic standards and curriculum. Effective standards-based instruction builds relationships, meets the needs of all students, creates relevancy and fosters an intersection of content knowledge, experiences and skills needed to demonstrate understanding through the ability to read, write, communicate and think critically relative to a specific discipline.24-25-UIP #2 Major Improvement StrategyData-Driven instruction within the Montessori/Dual Language/Public Sector provides instruction that is focused on the needs of our students through evidence-based practices both at the classroom and schoolwide levels with a priority focus on our Multilingual Learner (MLL) and students with disabilities populations.
  • Our latest SPF rating (School Performance Framework-Colorado Department of Education school report card): Provisionally Green. We will continue to discuss potential impacts of this rating to our school enrollment, as many parents consider this when they are looking for a school for their child and family. 
  • Lastly, we discussed current enrollment and the impact of projections and actuals to the school budget. Annual budgets are based on projected enrollment numbers shared with the school in January of the current school year. This year’s budget was based on projected enrollment of 310 students for Kinder through sixth grade. We are excited to share that we met and exceeded that goal with a total K-6 enrollment of 318 and a total ECE 3 year olds to sixth grade of 407. So, please spread the good word about Sandoval and help us support a robust enrollment. 

These updates are one way for us to share how your perspectives are being considered in these conversations.We invite you to share your feedback, questions, concerns via:

  • The CSC Open Forum Survey
  • Open Forum 
  • As well as reach out to us directly

In community and education,

Parent CSC Representatives