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First Responders and Communicating Concerns

Home school communication and  collaboration is essential in ensuring student success. Additionally, it is very important to  prioritize principal focus and time in being an instructional leader, to ensure the most impactful education and supportive environment for our students. That is why we will have the First Responders system in place:

  • Your concern/call will be directed to the First Responder staff member (i.e, parent liaison, restorative justice coordinator, school nurse, senior team leads, secretaries, etc.)
  • First Responders will get all information from parents about their concern.
  • They will also inform the principal of concern, all information and brainstorm supports/resolution. 
  • First Responders will call back parents with next steps or solution to the incident if needed.
  • If additional support  is needed or resolution is not able to be reached with the support of the First Responder the principal will meet with parent and First Responder for incident.
  • To make an appointment with the principal please email or call Mari Alvarez ( or Ericka Soto Diaz (  at 720-424-4370.
  • The best way to communicate with the Principal is via email.