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Enrollment & Demographics

Enrollment and Demographics
Denver Public Schools (DPS) offer a wide variety of school choices, from traditional boundary (also called “home” or “neighborhood”) schools to magnet and charter schools. The DPS Office of Choice and Enrollment Services (OCES) coordinates all of the activities associated with getting a student matched with a school.

Sandoval is a magnet school and is not zoned to be anyone’s “home” school. Entrance into Sandoval is based on a lottery through the DPS choice application process. Since August 2001, this school has offered Dual Language/Montessori education. The school has been designated an “area magnet,” with students with siblings currently enrolled receive first priority.   Second priority are for students who reside in the  Trevista, Brown, Centennial, Beach Court, Edison and Columbian attendance areas receiving first priority zone, second priority zone is for the rest of DPS schools for enrollment and, last priority is given to those who reside outside the District school boundaries. The school serves students age three through sixth grade. Forty percent of the children are native Spanish speakers and sixty percent are native English speakers.

Families interested in Sandoval enrollment must apply through the SchoolChoice process. Parents interested in enrolling their children in Sandoval’s ECE program are strongly encouraged to participate in the first-round application of the choice process. Visit for more information.

For the 2019-2020 school year, the deadline for first round applications is February 15, 2019 before 4pm SchoolChoice applications are only available online.  For questions call the DPS SchoolChoice office at 720.423.3493 for ECE.